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How Are Child Support Payments Decided?

When Pennsylvanian parents split, there are still plenty of things that need to be considered in regard to your child. Child support payments are often at the top of any potential list of concerns, and both of you may have a lot of questions to ask.

One of the most common questions is: how are child support payments even decided? The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania highlights the basics of child support, including payments. Aspects that may be considered by the court include:

  • Spousal assets
  • The net income of both parents
  • Any previous financial obligations like alimony or child support to children of other relationships
  • Each parent’s share of health expenses
  • Each parent’s share of basic monthly support expenses

These are just a few of the things taken into consideration when the court is deciding how much a parent will owe for child support payments. Generally speaking, the parent who does not have primary custody of the child will be the one paying child support. Income levels are also likely to determine who will pay more.

Of course, child support payments may also change over the years. For example, if you remarry or your ex-partner loses their job, the amount of money required for monthly child support will likely be lessened. If your ex-partner gains a raise or you lose a job, on the other hand, your child support payments may be raised.

The goal of deciding child support is to ensure that both parents are paying enough to provide for the child based on your own individual needs and current life situations. The courts take everything into account when making their decision to be as fair as possible for all parties.

For more information, contact Louis Wm. Martini, attorney at law.