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Supporting The Children Through a Divorce

As parents across Pennsylvania know, taking care of children is not always easy. Providing attention, love, and support to children can become more difficult when dealing with the anger and frustration that often accompany a divorce. Yet, as the Washington Post explains, successfully parenting through a divorce can keep the child feeling safe and loved, even as his or her world changes dramatically.

As long as it is safe to do so, helping a child to maintain a relationship with the other parent is one of the most effective ways to help ensure he or she will have a childhood. This means keeping frustration and animosity out of sight in the child’s presence and maintaining strict compliance with any parenting schedule. Any attempts to circumvent an ex-spouse’s parenting time is putting the child squarely in the middle of the conflict, which is precisely where he or she does not want to be. This also includes avoiding negative comments about the other parent, as Huffington Post explains, which can undermine a relationship.

Communicating with children about what is happening should be done carefully. While honesty and openness are the goals, even more important is making sure that the answers to any questions the children have are appropriate and come from a place of love. The actual details of how and why a relationship stopped working are likely not what the kids need to hear. Any time both parents can be together during these difficult conversations is helpful to show the children that although the marriage is no longer part of their lives, they can count on their parents for answers and support.

For more information, contact Louis Wm Martini, P.C.