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Can You Relocate With Your Child?

Pennsylvania parents who have sole custody of their child may not want to be tied to the same location after a divorce. But what can you do if you want to relocate? It’s not always an easy task.

The Spruce lists out everything that will be taken into consideration when a court examines your request to relocate, which is the first thing you should know. You can’t just pack your bags and move. You have to get an okay from a court in order to relocate with a child post-divorce in order to maintain fairness to your ex-spouse.

There are a number of things that may be taken into consideration, as well. They always tie back to one primary concern: will this move benefit the child? A court will take into account information like the age and maturity of the child, whether or not the move will better their life, and how far away your intended location will be from your current one. If you want to move a state away in order to get a better job, which will equal more income and more opportunities from your kid, you may have a better chance of relocating than if you want to move across the country just for a change of pace. Regular visitation should still be possible even during moves that the court deems reasonable, also for the sake of fairness.

Unfortunately, issues of divorce and child custody can make moving a much more complicated task than it should be. Following the proper procedure is necessary, however, so it may benefit you to know the best legal path of action to increase your chances of being able to relocate.

For more information, contact Louis Wm. Martini, attorney at law.