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  • Who Gets The Stimulus Check When Spouses Are Separated or Divorcing?

    Apr 24, 2020

    Going through a divorce is stressful enough, but the coronavirus pandemic spreading throughout the United States presents additional complications for spouses who have decided to split. In addition to changes that might need to be made regarding custody and visitation arrangements while travel is restricted, negotiations over property division need to address any new economic circumstances. For example, the value of investments or business shares should be reviewed and possibly downgraded. Moreover, the stimulus check...
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  • Communicating With Your Ex About COVID-19 Custody Issues

    Apr 23, 2020

    During a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, family becomes more important than ever, especially for children whose schedules have been disrupted by long-term school closures and the cancellation of other activities. Parents who are divorced or live apart for other reasons know the importance of maintaining healthy communication through difficult situations. Though this situation is unlike any other, some of the skills developed through previous discussions of custody and visitation arrangements might contribute t...
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  • How Can A Protective Order Keep Me Safe?

    Apr 29, 2018

    If you are preparing to leave an abusive marriage but do not know where to begin, you are not alone. Countless people in Pennsylvania and elsewhere experience domestic violence at the hands of their spouses or intimate partners, and they may be afraid to leave. After making plans to leave your abusive spouse, you might consider seeking a protective order, which gives you certain legal protections while you begin the steps to a divorce. Accordin...
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  • 3 Tips For Financially Recovering After Divorce

    Apr 24, 2018

    Going through a divorce can result in a devastating financial aftermath. Once you divide all your property, pay your legal fees and start living on a single income, you may struggle to simply make ends meet. When you are in a financial hole after divorce, it may seem impossible to escape. However, do not give in to despair. You can take control of your finances and bounce back. Here is a guide to regaining financial freedo...
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  • Why Do People Stay in Abusive Relationships?

    Apr 19, 2018

    When people hear about a victim of domestic violence who remains in the abusive relationship, a typical reaction is that the victim is “asking for it” by the simple fact that he or she stays. After all, they know that it may, or even will happen again. For some victims, however, it may be just as hard to leave as it is to stay. Psychology Today reports that 36 percent of women and 29 percen...
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  • Can I Spend Child Support On Non-Essentials For My Child?

    Apr 15, 2018

    The child support you receive can make the difference between you and your children being comfortable or hardly making ends meet. In some cases, you might continue to experience financial difficulties despite receiving regular child support. Like many parents in Pennsylvania, you want your children to have fun and build happy memories, in addition to having their basic needs met. You may wonder if you can use your child support for items that your ex-spous...
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  • Tax Switch In Alimony May Signal Big Changes

    Apr 7, 2018

    Divorcing spouses in Pennsylvania have long been concerned about the financial implications of the end of their marriage. This is only natural as all of a sudden a family must sustain two households on the money that it previously sustained one with. In addition to simply making ends meet from month to month, there are often tax implications associated with different decisions made during a divorce settlement. USA Today explains that the assignment of alimon...
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  • 3 Tips For Saving Money On Your Divorce

    Mar 28, 2018

    When you know your marriage is coming to an end, one of the main things you have concerns about is how much it will cost. The financial impact of your divorce does not need to completely destroy you. It is true that it can be quite expensive, but there are plenty of ways to keep the costs minimal. If you have fears about financially surviving your divorce, do not worry. Here are some guidelines yo...
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  • How Alimony Is Determined During A Divorce

    Mar 28, 2018

    When people get divorced in Pennsylvania, they may wonder how they will support themselves if the other spouse was the breadwinner. In this situation, a court may award alimony so people can continue their current standard of living. Before someone receives alimony, numerous factors are usually considered. FindLaw says that a court typically considers how long a couple was married and the standard of living they maintained. The education someone might need to get a ne...
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  • Preparing For Your Divorce: 3 Financial Tips

    Mar 26, 2018

    Divorce takes a toll on your emotions. Splitting up is a draining and disheartening thing to go through. It is often difficult to think practically about your finances when you are in the middle of an emotional storm. When you think about all the things you need to handle, you may feel like you will not be able to do it. However, you can effectively manage your personal finances while ending your marriage by following a fe...
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“Mr. Martini helped me with my custody and child support case and based on his help I feel that we received a very fair decision. Mr. Martini is an excellent attorney and I highly recommend him.”
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