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  • What Goes Into A Parenting Plan?

    Mar 23, 2018

    When Pennsylvanian parents like you end up getting divorced from your partner, you will have to tackle crafting a parenting plan. This plan is crucially important to how your child’s life might look in the future, and will be closely examined by the court. Before submitting a parenting plan, there are several things you should know. The Pennsylvania General Assembly has a list of all the requirements that must be included in a parenting plan. Th...
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  • How Are Support Orders Enforced?

    Mar 16, 2018

    After divorcing your partner, you will receive child support payments to help you raise your child with the same level of financial stability that they had when living in a household with two parents. Unfortunately, these orders for support aren’t always followed. Louis WM. Martini, JR., P.C., is here to help if you find yourself with unpaid child support on your hands. Fortunately, if your ex-partner is not making their child support payments, there are different way...
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  • What Should You Know About Restraining Orders In Pennsylvania?

    Mar 9, 2018

    When you’re trapped in an abusive relationship, self-protection is most likely at the top of your list. There are several different legal avenues in Pennsylvania that you could potentially pursue to secure your own safety. Restraining orders are one of the tools that may be available to you. FindLaw states that restraining orders – also known as protection orders – can be obtained under the Protection from Abuse Act. Under this act, anyone who is sufferin...
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  • Verbal And Emotional Abuse Are Also Serious

    Mar 5, 2018

    In many of our blog posts, we have addressed the issue of domestic violence. This problem is widespread across the country and is certainly a reason for abuse victims in Pennsylvania and elsewhere to seek protection while leaving their tormentors. However, our team at the law offices of Louis Wm. Martini, Jr., P.C., know that emotional and verbal abuse can also leave scars. Your spouse does not have to harm you physically to be a...
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  • Understanding The Factors Behind A Divorce

    Feb 23, 2018

    When Pennsylvania residents consider divorce, they may think this happens because of a drastic event in the marriage, such as infidelity. However, marriages can end for a number of reasons. Sometimes infidelity does cause a marriage to end. says that this situation usually is not the primary problem in a marriage. Most of the time, infidelity is a sign of other problems and is simply the factor that gets to be one thing to...
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  • Negotiation Helps Save Money In Divorce

    Feb 21, 2018

    Some people think that going to court in a divorce case will end up netting them more money. In some ways, this theory makes sense. After all, they may believe or even know that they have a compelling argument and clear rights to the property and other issues in question. However, negotiation is the true cost-saving method in divorce. Not only that, but it also saves you a lot in other areas, such as control and stress. Here i...
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  • Will A Restraining Order Protect You?

    Feb 16, 2018

    Pennsylvanian residents like you who feel threatened in your current relationship have legal ways out of this cycle of abuse and fear. Louis WM Martini JR, P.C., is here to help you get the restraining order that you need to move forward with your life. Restraining orders are one of the most popular legal tools when it comes to protecting people who feel threatened by spouses or ex-partners. You can obtain a restraining order if you have been: Imprisoned Assaulte...
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  • What Do I Need To Know Before I Request A Child Support Increase?

    Feb 11, 2018

    As you know, life as a single parent is not easy. Receiving child support may somewhat relieve the financial burden of caring for your children on your own, but it is not always enough. You and other custodial parents in Pennsylvania might have wondered if you can petition the court to have your child support increased. Gaining more child support is more complicated than calling the child support office and asking for more money. Accordin...
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  • What Are The Forms Of Custody In Pennsylvania?

    Jan 31, 2018

    If you are a parent seeking custody of your child, you should be aware that Pennsylvania has seven separate forms of custody. As FindLaw explains, custody can be legal, physical or both. When you have sole legal custody of your child, you are the adult responsible for making the decisions about his or her medical care, the schools he or she attends and what, if any, religious affiliation is appropriate. If you have shared lega...
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  • What Can I Do When My Spouse Stalks Me?

    Jan 25, 2018

    If you are a Pennsylvania resident who is being stalked by your intimate partner, you are not alone. The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence reports that intimate partner stalking accounts for 66 percent of female stalking victims and 41 percent of male stalking victims. Pennsylvania considers stalking to be a crime. It entails someone following you in such a way that you become afraid and/or upset. Examples of stalking include the following: Following you by ca...
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“Mr. Martini helped me with my custody and child support case and based on his help I feel that we received a very fair decision. Mr. Martini is an excellent attorney and I highly recommend him.”
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